
Antenatal Clinic

Antenatal clinic is held on Tuesday afternoons between 1.30pm and 3.30pm.

This is run by the community midwives.

Asthma Clinic

If you have asthma we would like to see you at least once a year (or every 6 months if you are under 16 years) for a review of your asthma symptoms and current inhaler medication.

If your asthma is kept well controlled you should be able to undertake your normal daily activities, sleep and exercise without any or very little asthma symptoms, and have little need for your blue reliever inhaler.

At an asthma review the nurse will:

  • Ask about your asthma symptoms during the day, night and during any activity/exercise
  • Check your peak flow rate
  • Check your inhaler technique and discuss any alternative devices if you are experiencing any problems

 A personal asthma management plan and annual flu vaccination may also be given at this time.

To book an appointment for an asthma review, contact the surgery and ask for a 30 minute appointment with the practice nurse, and bring along your current inhalers, spacer and peak flow meter when you attend.

Cervical Smears

Cervical screening is not a test for cancer. It is a method of preventing cancer by detecting and treating early abnormalities which if left untreated could lead to cancer in the cervix (neck of womb).

Early detection and treatment can prevent around 75% of cancers developing but like other screening tests it is not perfect.

The first stage in cervical screening is either a smear test or a liquid based cytology (LBC) test.

The NHS cervical screening programme aims to reduce the number of women who develop invasive cervical cancer and to reduce the number of women who die from it. It does this by regularly screening all women at risk so that conditions which might otherwise develop into invasive cancer can be identified and treated.

The screening programme will automatically send for all eligible women to remind them to make an appointment for a smear.

Who is eligible for screening?

Cervical Smear Eligibility




First invitation


3 yearly


5 yearly


Only needed for those women whose last 3 tests included an abnormal result

Childhood Immunisations

Appointments are sent to parents from the Child health computer section. The baby immunisation clinics are run on a Tuesday morning. Although we would prefer you to attend the specific baby clinic if the appointment is not suitable for you please re-arrange the time with the receptionists.

Written consent is required preferably from a parent or guardian.

The injections are given in the thigh for babies and an arm for older children. Please tell the nurse if your child has had any reaction to previous vaccines.

COPD Reviews

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is a disease that affects your breathing. This condition may be helped by lifestyle and inhaler therapy.

If you have been told you have COPD then ideally you should be seen by the respiratory nurses on a 6 monthly basis.

You will be invited for review by letter with a date and time of appointment. You will also be invited for a flu vaccination every year.

During the review the respiratory nurse will check your inhaler techniques, your symptoms and how this condition is affecting your lifestyle. There is also a test called spirometry which assesses your lung function.

Diabetic Clinic

We aim to meet all diabetics at least twice a year for a check up. We will write and remind patients to come in for a blood test a week before a second appointment with the nurse who will do a check of blood pressure, feet etc and discuss the blood results and any concerns.

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

Any patient on regular medication for hypertension (blood pressure) will normally have their blood pressure measured every six months by a nurse. They will also see their GP annually a week after having their blood pressure and bloods taken by the nurse so that they can review the results with the GP.

Patients over 40 are recommended to have their blood pressure measured every 3 years. You may also require having it measured more regularly when on certain medications.

It is important to keep your blood pressure under control as high blood pressure can cause a stroke.

Smoking Cessation

Patients can refer themselves directly by responding to information in the surgery and giving their names to reception staff who will inform the adviser.

  • Stop smoking helpline: 0500 7867 669
  • WiganStop Smoking Service: Tudor House, 8 Liverpool Road, Hindley, Wigan WN2 3HU

Well Man / Well Woman Clinic

We are happy to see patients for a well man or well woman check to make sure you don't have any health problems.

For this appointment you will need a twenty minute appointment with the nurse. You will have your weight, height and blood pressure checked and the nurse will go through your family history, diet and exercise. The nurse will be able to advise you on whether you need your cholesterol tested etc, and give you advice on weight reduction, diet, exercise and other life style issues.

Travel Vaccinations

If you're planning to travel outside the UK, you may need to be vaccinated against some of the serious diseases found in other parts of the world.


Non-NHS Services

Some services offered fall outside the normal NHS contraxt and therefore a fee is payable.